Since that surgery, I lost over 100 lbs and I have been pretty successful with keeping it away.
But keeping it off is not always simple and I do want to reset from time to time to balance. It's almost always a good idea to give your body a few treats and again, as long as you do not let yourself and your cravings get out of control.
When I was going through my weightloss, I let one day a week that I wasn't strict with my diet. This kept me out of craving things. I try to abide by a low carb diet. I always eat protein first veggies and fruits, and finally healthy carbs than I did post operation, although I consume carbohydrates now.
Instant Pot Low Carb Pizza Casserole
20 hrs 12 mins
20 hrs 12 mins
2 cups crushed tomatoes1 pounds ground turkey1 package pepperoni1/2 cup mozzarella cheese1/2 cup cheddar cheese1 tablespoon oregano1/2 tsp salt2 clove minced garlic1/2 tsp pepper1/2 tsp onion powder
- Switch your IP. Add a tsp of olive oil. Once hot, add ground turkey. Season with pepper, salt, and 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder. Cook turkey thoroughly. 2. Once done, eliminate and set in a container that is separate. 3. Rinse your IP liner out with water that is warm. 4. Layer the ingredients into a 7 cup pyrex dish: Pour 1/4 of the tomatoes that are smashed on the bottom of the Immediate Pot. Then layer 1/4 of the ground turkey, cheese, and pepperoni on top. Proceed to ground turkey, layer crushed tomatoes, cheese, and pepperoni in the Immediate Pot. Produce 5. Put 2 cups of water to IP lining, place trivet at the base of the IP pot liner, place pyrex onto trivet. Put a sheet of foil on top from falling to casserole to prevent any liquids. 6. Wear High pressure for 20 minutes, and allow NPR for 15 minutes. 7. ReLease pressure. Remove lid. Remove foil. Allow to cool before listing out of your IP together with the trivet handles. 8. Remove the lid and let cool for 15 minutes to settle before serving and cutting.